Solvitur Ambulando — “It is solved by walking”
"The journey makes you a pilgrim because the Camino is not only a track to be walked but a parable and a reality all at once. It transforms you, working within and outside of you, not just during the time it takes to walk each stage but throughout your entire life—if you allow it. Walking this holy way alongside eleven centuries of pilgrims, I’ve learned that pilgrimage is more than movement; it’s a practice of trust, endurance, and finding grace in every step."
Mentors with Four Legs or Fewer
“Heroes are found among the deer who have dodged the death dealing wrought by vehicular warfare, pump action rifles, high definition scopes. Bounding so, bent on survival, but still bounding. A vision of joy and enduring. To think of all the years they lived in a roadless world, a motor-free society. They were here, and there, before we paved our way through their homeland, shooting out a clearing for the construction. And so, in the early stages of praying for the deer between my home and the church office, I merely whispered: Keep us safe."
Good Neighbor: Expanding Our Vision of Community and Creation
To be a good neighbor, a good friend, is to embrace the fullness of the community of creation as our neighbor. From there, grown from the Earth, we seek to bear the fruitfulness of mutual love in action, care for the entire community, and concern for one another as the most holistic vision for ethical living.
Wholistic Well-Being
Wholistic well-being, as a value, can often feel ethereal. What makes us whole? How does wholistic well-being weave through the diverse parts of our humanity, our mind, body, and spirit? And more complicated still, how is our wholistic well-being enlivened by the multifaceted and complex creation we live among?