Black Advancement Projects

  • Spiritual Formation

    A discipleship curriculum made for the Black soul in search of renewed spirituality by deconstructing their faith from the woes of White Supremacy, and reconstructing it from a lens of solidarity, inclusivity, justice, and liberation. Eventually, we would love to partner with an HBCU and help teach seminary studies in an unconventional way.

  • Martial Arts School

    With a black belt and over 20 years of experience in Martial Arts, Kendall desires to start a school for the Black community designed to teach self-confidence, self-defense, and mindfulness practices. Tang Soo Do is an art form that was historically born out of oppression and has great benefits for mental health, depression, and anxiety.

  • Creative Justice

    Imagine using all forms of art (storytelling, film, dance, writing, music, painting, drawing, etc.) to create a community that is collectively focused on truth-telling in art form. A seasonal, project-based initiative that platforms the voices of those most marginalized, to tell the truth and further the process of healing and liberation in a community. This is what we like to call Creative Justice!